Be a Medic.

M. Wood
2 min readFeb 6, 2022

There has to be another way.

This battle plan is not working.

We are losing so many people to this war.

Lives lost in hate — lost in rage — lost in judgment.

This political war does not need more soldiers.

We will never defeat violence with more violence.

We will never overcome anger with more rage.

We will never build a community of compassion with more destruction.

We will never create a society of hope and joy for our children with more hate.

No, this war does not need more soldiers. It needs more medics.

Medics to heal. Medics to serve. Medics to love.

Because this war was never against each other.

It was never about winning some election or passing some bill.

This war was — and has always been — against ourselves.

We hide our fear of losing our dignity by taking dignity from others.

We hide our loneliness in communities of anger.

We hide our suffering by inflicting suffering.

We categorize, “otherize” and then demonize.

Not because we hate, but because we are afraid.

Terrified of being left behind — terrified of our own vulnerability — terrified of acknowledging the pain inside us.

This fear-based cycle of violence has to come to an end.

Our mission is not to attack.

Our orders are not to march on the enemy.

Our directive is not to bring more soldiers into the fight.

Our call is to put down the sword.

To see the past the anger. To see past the hate. To see past the judgement.

And, see the fear, the pain, and suffering in the eyes of our brothers and sisters.

To see the whole person.

To feel their pain.

To hear underneath the noise and words and the rage the calls for help.

Not to be saved, but to be held.

Not to be directed, but to be accompanied.

Not to be pitied, but to be loved.

Because if we can see the whole person, see the goodness inside each of us, we will realize there is no difference between us — we were all created by God with the same substance, in the same manner, in the same image —all with the same directive to love — and all that divides us is the pain we’ve been dealt trying to navigate this life and find our way home.

We need to find the pain.

Find the holes in each of us and fill them with love.

And, I can’t see your pain with eyes of rage.

I can’t feel your suffering with fists of violence.

I can’t hear your calls for compassion with ears of judgment.

Let’s put down the sword.

Take off the helmet.

Remove the armor.

It’s time to extend a hand.

Be a medic.



M. Wood

Husband. Father. Lawyer. Founder at heart. Writes about family, faith, country, and finding purpose in this life.